BAPTISM: The Rite of Baptism is celebrated on the second weekend of the month: Saturday at 1:00 PM. Please arrange for the obligatory preparation class by calling the Parish Office at 732-541-8946.
PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: The Holy Eucharist and the Anointing of the Sick are available to the sick and homebound upon request.
FIRST PENANCE, FIRST EUCHARIST, CONFIRMATION: Children are expected to receive a Catholic upbringing in their family life, to worship regularly at Sunday Mass, and to receive ongoing religious education in the years preceding the reception of these sacraments. Contact the PREP office at 732-969-8767 for information.
RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a process for anyone who is interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Church, or who seeks to come into full communion with the faith community. For more information on this process please call the RCIA office 732-969-8767.
MATRIMONY: Specific times are set for the celebration of marriage during the year. To allow ample time for preparation, please contact the Parish Office at least one year before the intended wedding date.
HOLY ORDERS OR RELIGIOUS LIFE: If you are considering serving God as a Priest, Deacon or Religious, you may contact your Parish Priest, or call the Office of Vocations at 732-562-2457 for additional information.
All Catholics should be registered in a Parish so that the Parish may know you and your family and so be able to serve you better.
Registration is your statement that you belong to a particular faith community where you are known, your faith is strengthened, and your relationship with God is nourished and given expression.
When you are registered, actively involved, and a Catholic in good standing, the Parish is able to provide you with testimonial certificates to be a sponsor for Baptism and/or Confirmation. Your registration information is strictly confidential and never in any way becomes a public record.
If you have not already registered in the Parish, please stop by the Parish Office and take the time to do so.
Thank you.